About Us

Who We Are

Mrs. A. Sakthishwari, a 28-year-old woman with three children, faced financial instability despite her husband's work in a private mechanic shop. The COVID-19 pandemic worsened their situation as her husband struggled to find employment. Determined to improve their lives, she joined the EDII Jute bag training program in Sempiyampalaiyam village. Recognizing her dedication, she requested assistance to start her own business and acquire a sewing machine. Impressed by her passion, EDII secured financial support from the Rotary Club, enabling her to obtain a sewing machine and pursue her jute bag-making venture.

Empower rural women to become successful jute product entrepreneurs, fostering economic development and environmental sustainability.



Equip rural women with skills, knowledge, and resources for jute product businesses, promoting entrepreneurship and self-reliance. Create a network of empowered rural women entrepreneurs, inspiring others and building resilient, inclusive communities. Promote eco-friendly jute products, contribute to economic development, and support environmental sustainability.